We have put together a list of links that might help you finding any required services. These are third party links and added just for your convenience, but we do not take any responsibility of any contents or services of these websites.



HM Courts & Tribunals Services Forms





UK Legal Bodies

Sentence database www.thelawpages.com: Court Cases database – A freely searchable database of criminal court sentences linked to the legal professionals involved.

Crown Prosecution Service www.cps.gov.uk

The Law Society www.lawsociety.org.uk

Inns of Court School of Law www.icsl.ac.uk

House of Lords www.parliament.uk

Supreme Court Judgments www.sigov.si.uk.courtnet.html

Court of Appeal www.open.gov.uk/courts/court/cs_home.htm 

High Court www.open.gov.uk/courts/court/highhome.htm

Immigration www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk 

Immigration advisors www.olsc.gov.uk 

A directory and guide to law online www.uklawdirectory.com  


International Legal Bodies

European Court of Human Rights www.dhcou.coe.fr/

European Convention of Human Rights www.dhcour.coe.fr/eng/basictext.htm

International Court of Justice www.icj-icj.org/

International Bodies

United Nations www.un.org/depts/Treaty/howtoreg.htm

International Labour Organisation www.ilo.org


The Lawyer www.the-lawyer.co.uk

The Economist www.economist.com/

Research Resources

Employment Law www.emplaw.co.uk/law/homeupdate.html

Employment Law www.wiv.ac.uk/-In5524/frametest.html

Legal Action Group www.lag.org.uk 

International Legal Services Network www.ilsn.org 

Community Care Site www.community-care.org.uk 

Solicitors Law Brief www.ftlawand.tax.com/lawbrief/


Legal Technology Insider www.cloudnine.co.uk/insider.htm 

(Free) On-line Legal Resources www.law.com/uk 

Solicitors Firms www.solicitors-online.com

Sweet & Maxwell  database www.smlawpub.co.uk/digital/cl/internet/index/html

Language Translation Service http://www.language-translation-service.net/

Europe Regional Information www.welcome-2-europe.com – Regional Information and more.