Financial Issues

The general practice is that when a couple leads towards a divorce, separation or dissolution, the process of getting apart also involves the family’s financial arrangements as well. This includes the family home, other family properties, business and payments and expenses of the maintenance.


While considering any financial arrangements, several factors are taken in account such as, for how long the couple has been living together as married or civil partners, the ages at which they decide to apart, their incomes and earning capacities and their assets. The general public has a misconception of equal division of all the assets between the two. We have a separate, dedicated and experienced team of lawyers who serve in this field of law. We advise our clients all those options and proper court procedures through which they can have the best outcome which can be in terms of negotiations, mediation or reconciliation and collaboration.


Our experts work round the clock for our clients to get them the positive results. We regularly work with and for our clients and their partners for their success even if the case gets complicated due to complex assets of them in UK. Our good will supports in multiplying our clientele. We have clients from every class; most of them also have international connections. They have assets, properties and businesses in and outside the UK, and they trust in our talent, our expertise, and us; therefore, they rely on us for getting their financial settlements done.


We proudly and truly claim that we have enough experience and knowledge to take care of the cases, which involve international family law. We have good terms and effective coordination with family lawyers within and outside UK, which makes it easy to work smartly and spontaneously for you at your behalf.


In many cases it’s also seen that either of spouse or partner plans to and disposes of the assets without the consent and any agreement with the other spouse/partner. In such scenarios we are efficient and spontaneous team to file immediate applications in the court to save your position, no matter if the assets are already disposed off within the country or outside. We also offer our services to assist you if your spouse for disposing off your assets has prevented you.